Business Meeting October 11, 2000 Riverside, CA
Discussion led by CCCADA President. John Keever
1. Called to order at 4:30 P.M. by John Keever
2. Introduced the Executive Board of the CCCADA
John Keever-Moorpark College President
Jean Snuggs-Arnerican River College lst Vice President
John Woods-Palomar College 2nd Vice President
Dale Murray-Cabrillo College Treasurer
Ben Partee-Santa Barbara City College Past President
3. Call for additional items to the agenda
4. Minutes from June 6, 2000 meeting
5. Report from Treasurer, Dale Murray
a. Budget information presented
b. Membership applications sent October lst
c. 97 paid members of CCCADA
d. 70 members attended 2000 Tahoe Convention
e. Conference representatives were encouraged to promote membership andConvention participation.
6. Presidents Report, John Keever
a. Retiring Athletic Directors were acknowledged for their contributions in the development of student athletes and promotion of sports programs in the California Community Colleges. They are: Jane HildgendoIf, Orange Coast College, Warren Hansen, Cuesta College, Tom Giacomini, College of the Redwoods.
b. Members were encouraged to make reservations for the June 3rdConference at Harrah's Lake Tahoe.
7. Legislation
a. Items C-l,2,3,5,6,9,10,11,13,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,27,28,29,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,E-3,4,5,6,7 and R-l, were placed on a consent agenda and-~
b. Item C-7 (Baseball), yes-23 no-29 and C-15 (Basketball) yes-15 no-32-
c. Items C-4, 8, 12, 14,21,25,38 were discussed and
d. Items C-26, 30, E-l, E-2 were tabled
.8. Management Council Assignments for 2000-2001
Gary Dilley-Cross Country (2nd Term)
Keith Calkins- Men' s Basketball
Warren Hansen/Sue Gatlin-Soccer
Avie Bridges-Tennis
Ann Heck-Badminton
Jean Snuggs-CCCADA Representative
9. CCCADA Constitutional Amendments
a. Article 5-Section 4, Executive Board The Executive Board shall be a standing committee of the CCCADA comprised of:
(1) CCCADA officers, past president and one (1) representative from each all sports conferences.
(2) Conference Representatives shall:
(a) be an active member of the CCCADA.
(b) be nominated by their respective all sport conference.
(c) be screened and selected by the CCCADA officers.
(d) Serve a two-year term
(3) The duties of the Executive Board shall be to:
(a) solicit, screen and nominate athletic deans/directors for vacancies on the Management Council.
(b) Represent constituents/conference at CCCADA Executive Board meetings.
(c) Approve annual CCCADA budget.
(d) Perform other duties/functions as directed by the CCCADA President.
Section 5, Management Council Selection Committee The Management Council Selection Committee shall be comprised of the CCCADA Executive Board. The selection committee shall follow procedures outlined in the COA Constitution, Article 4.7.
The Management Council Selection Committee shall be:
A. a standing committee
B. for the purpose of soliciting, screening and nomination athletic deans/directors for participation on the Management Council.
b. Items were
10. Management Council terms ending 2001
Ellie Bewley Women ' s Basketball
Avie Bridges Tennis
Tom Giacomini Swimming
Dave Evans Baseball
John Woods Men's Golf
Keith Calkins Men's Golf
b. Interested parties were encouraged to apply for vacant positions.
Applications are to be sent to John Keever, Moorpark College. Due December 1, 2000.
11. Task Force Reports
a. Post-Conference-John Norton
(a) Philosophy of post-conference competition is important to determining the format. Is participation or excellence the issue?
The committee will meet to identify issues and present information after January Ist.
b. Recruiting-Marilyn Ladd
I. Institutional surveys will be used to determine trends and develop conclusions. Committee will meet to discuss the results and present findings.
12. New Legislation-Jean Snuggs
a.Three items will be presented to the Management Council
b.The Athletic Directors are becoming proactive in developing legislation
c.Other items will be presented in June.
13. COA Management Council-Bruce Warner
a. Need to continue work on post conference competition format. Issues placed into committee for consideration and possible modification.
b. Encouraged sports representative to work closely with Regional and State Championship host colleges on financial and operational issues to provide quality events for participating teams.
c. Would like to
d. begin work on an Oral History Project. Establish audio interviews with "Old Timers" (Bruce's words exactly-T-Mark and Don were specifically mentioned) to develop a historical perspective on the California Organization on Athletics and the development of Community College sports in the State of California.
14. Athletic Director of the Year-John Keever
a. Nominations: Ben Partee-Santa Barbara City College
Bob Dinaberg-Santa Barbara City College (Retired)
Dale Murray-Cabrillo College
John Woods-Palomar College
b. Congratulations to Bob Dinaberg the 1999-2000 Athletic Director of the Year .The award will be presented during the June Convention in Lake Tahoe.