Team Stats

Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
41.90535491905355 1 Barstow 25 471-1346 35.0 102-431 23.7 201-355 56.6 49.9
37.861635220125784 2 Antelope Valley 27 535-1650 32.4 139-608 22.9 209-381 54.9 52.5
35.709895513214505 3 LA Valley 27 550-1479 37.2 100-348 28.7 260-394 66.0 54.1
37.73006134969325 4 Victor Valley 26 527-1449 36.4 99-375 26.4 349-570 61.2 58.2
35.84371460928652 5 Citrus 29 654-1659 39.4 104-385 27.0 307-499 61.5 59.3
34.46666666666667 6 Glendale 28 703-1594 44.1 122-398 30.7 256-433 59.1 63.7
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
37.73006134969325 1 Victor Valley 26 11.3 24.5 35.8 -8.5
34.46666666666667 2 Glendale 28 11.8 25.6 37.5 9.2
35.84371460928652 3 Citrus 29 12.4 25.9 38.3 0.9
35.709895513214505 4 LA Valley 27 12.4 26.1 38.6 2.0
41.90535491905355 5 Barstow 25 12.5 23.8 36.3 -2.4
37.861635220125784 6 Antelope Valley 27 14.0 22.8 36.8 -7.7
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
34.46666666666667 1 Glendale 28 15.6 7.1 1.4 11.5
35.84371460928652 2 Citrus 29 15.9 8.4 3.0 14.1
37.861635220125784 3 Antelope Valley 27 16.7 9.1 2.3 10.5
35.709895513214505 4 LA Valley 27 17.0 7.8 4.0 12.1
37.73006134969325 5 Victor Valley 26 20.0 10.7 2.5 12.6
41.90535491905355 6 Barstow 25 24.0 13.4 2.7 11.5
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
41.90535491905355 1 Barstow 25 10.8 0.689 -0.201
37.861635220125784 2 Antelope Valley 27 14.0 0.742 -0.085
37.73006134969325 3 Victor Valley 26 18.3 0.772 -0.108
35.709895513214505 4 LA Valley 27 12.6 0.811 -0.012
35.84371460928652 5 Citrus 29 12.4 0.855 0.042
34.46666666666667 6 Glendale 28 15.4 0.931 0.184
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
34.46666666666667 1 Glendale 28 517-1500 34.5 84-387 21.7 50.8
35.709895513214505 2 LA Valley 27 581-1627 35.7 126-539 23.4 54.9
35.84371460928652 3 Citrus 29 633-1766 35.8 139-519 26.8 55.8
37.73006134969325 4 Victor Valley 26 615-1630 37.7 120-423 28.4 64.7
37.861635220125784 5 Antelope Valley 27 602-1590 37.9 144-494 29.1 59.6
41.90535491905355 6 Barstow 25 673-1606 41.9 133-451 29.5 67.2
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
34.46666666666667 1 Glendale 28 8.7 19.6 28.3 9.2
35.709895513214505 2 LA Valley 27 13.3 23.2 36.5 2.0
35.84371460928652 3 Citrus 29 13.4 24.0 37.4 0.9
41.90535491905355 4 Barstow 25 14.4 24.3 38.7 -2.4
37.73006134969325 5 Victor Valley 26 17.3 27.0 44.3 -8.5
37.861635220125784 6 Antelope Valley 27 14.7 29.8 44.5 -7.7
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
35.709895513214505 1 LA Valley 27 14.0 7.6 2.6 12.0
34.46666666666667 2 Glendale 28 14.8 7.5 1.1 7.2
35.84371460928652 3 Citrus 29 15.1 8.0 2.9 11.2
37.73006134969325 4 Victor Valley 26 17.6 8.1 5.5 12.8
41.90535491905355 5 Barstow 25 19.2 10.1 2.0 16.6
37.861635220125784 6 Antelope Valley 27 20.2 9.6 2.4 14.1
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
41.90535491905355 1 Barstow 25 13.1 0.889 -0.201
35.709895513214505 2 LA Valley 27 14.7 0.823 -0.012
37.861635220125784 3 Antelope Valley 27 15.0 0.827 -0.085
34.46666666666667 4 Glendale 28 15.3 0.746 0.184
35.84371460928652 5 Citrus 29 16.0 0.813 0.042
37.73006134969325 6 Victor Valley 26 18.0 0.880 -0.108
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
43.47826086956522 1 Barstow 10 184-538 34.2 32-152 21.1 66-112 58.9 46.8
38.504672897196265 2 Antelope Valley 10 181-592 30.6 44-201 21.9 73-113 64.6 47.9
35.14018691588785 3 LA Valley 10 199-537 37.1 35-130 26.9 85-122 69.7 51.8
33.333333333333336 4 Victor Valley 10 193-551 35.0 42-147 28.6 124-212 58.5 55.2
35.53875236294896 5 Citrus 10 216-545 39.6 38-135 28.1 75-127 59.1 54.5
33.26923076923077 6 Glendale 10 244-560 43.6 43-147 29.3 86-136 63.2 61.7
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
33.333333333333336 1 Victor Valley 10 11.4 23.0 34.4 -11.5
33.26923076923077 2 Glendale 10 12.1 24.6 36.7 9.3
35.53875236294896 3 Citrus 10 10.8 23.6 34.4 3.7
35.14018691588785 4 LA Valley 10 12.5 25.2 37.7 6.5
43.47826086956522 5 Barstow 10 11.1 21.9 33.0 -4.3
38.504672897196265 6 Antelope Valley 10 14.4 21.8 36.2 -3.7
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
33.26923076923077 1 Glendale 10 14.0 6.3 1.0 11.9
35.53875236294896 2 Citrus 10 12.9 6.6 2.7 12.9
38.504672897196265 3 Antelope Valley 10 13.4 7.9 2.0 8.9
35.14018691588785 4 LA Valley 10 15.1 6.1 4.2 11.0
33.333333333333336 5 Victor Valley 10 13.6 6.9 2.5 11.1
43.47826086956522 6 Barstow 10 21.3 12.6 2.9 9.3
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
43.47826086956522 1 Barstow 10 8.7 0.672 -0.279
38.504672897196265 2 Antelope Valley 10 10.1 0.750 -0.100
33.333333333333336 3 Victor Valley 10 14.5 0.813 0.014
35.14018691588785 4 LA Valley 10 14.2 0.830 0.071
35.53875236294896 5 Citrus 10 13.0 0.866 0.089
33.26923076923077 6 Glendale 10 13.6 0.954 0.231
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
33.26923076923077 1 Glendale 10 173-520 33.3 22-115 19.1 46.7
35.14018691588785 2 LA Valley 10 188-535 35.1 34-165 20.6 47.6
35.53875236294896 3 Citrus 10 188-529 35.5 33-129 25.6 48.2
33.333333333333336 4 Victor Valley 10 202-606 33.3 42-173 24.3 53.8
38.504672897196265 5 Antelope Valley 10 206-535 38.5 52-160 32.5 55.4
43.47826086956522 6 Barstow 10 260-598 43.5 51-170 30.0 66.2
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
33.26923076923077 1 Glendale 10 8.6 18.8 27.4 9.3
35.14018691588785 2 LA Valley 10 10.2 21.0 31.2 6.5
35.53875236294896 3 Citrus 10 9.5 21.2 30.7 3.7
43.47826086956522 4 Barstow 10 14.0 23.3 37.3 -4.3
33.333333333333336 5 Victor Valley 10 18.2 27.7 45.9 -11.5
38.504672897196265 6 Antelope Valley 10 11.8 28.1 39.9 -3.7
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
35.14018691588785 1 LA Valley 10 13.7 7.9 2.5 9.3
33.26923076923077 2 Glendale 10 13.2 7.6 1.0 6.2
35.53875236294896 3 Citrus 10 12.9 7.2 3.6 8.3
33.333333333333336 4 Victor Valley 10 17.3 6.5 5.1 11.8
43.47826086956522 5 Barstow 10 16.6 9.3 1.7 16.2
38.504672897196265 6 Antelope Valley 10 16.6 7.9 1.4 13.3
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
43.47826086956522 1 Barstow 10 9.0 0.951 -0.279
35.14018691588785 2 LA Valley 10 12.1 0.759 0.071
38.504672897196265 3 Antelope Valley 10 11.5 0.850 -0.100
33.26923076923077 4 Glendale 10 13.9 0.723 0.231
35.53875236294896 5 Citrus 10 12.2 0.777 0.089
33.333333333333336 6 Victor Valley 10 15.4 0.799 0.014