2024-25 Basketball Statistics - San Diego Mesa

  • Games
  • Pts
  • FG %
  • 3PT %
  • FT %
  • Reb
  • Ast
Date Opponent Result
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54
# Name Yr Pos gp min/g fg/g 3pt/g ft/g ppg
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 28 14.9 5.7-11.8 1.0-3.5 2.0-3.2 14.3
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 28 11.7 3.2-7.9 0.6-2.6 2.3-3.8 9.4
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 26 13.1 3.5-7.0 0.0-0.0 1.7-2.9 8.7
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 24 13.9 2.9-8.7 2.1-6.3 0.8-1.0 8.6
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 25 10.9 2.4-5.2 0.1-0.3 1.2-1.9 6.1
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 27 7.3 2.0-5.0 1.0-3.0 0.8-1.0 5.7
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 19 8.0 1.5-4.6 0.5-1.8 1.7-2.4 5.1
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 28 5.4 1.6-4.0 0.9-2.9 0.1-0.3 4.1
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 28 9.1 1.5-4.1 0.0-0.6 0.9-1.3 4.0
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 28 9.3 1.2-2.8 0.2-0.4 0.6-0.8 3.2
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 20 3.0 0.8-1.9 0.0-0.0 0.1-0.2 1.8
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 17 3.2 0.4-0.6 0.0-0.0 0.1-0.2 0.8
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 15 2.5 0.1-0.9 0.0-0.3 0.1-0.1 0.3
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 .0 0.0-0.0 0.0-0.0 0.0-0.0 0.0
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp off/g def/g reb/g ast/g to/g stl/g blk/g
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 28 1.3 3.4 4.7 2.9 2.5 2.7 0.6
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 28 1.1 1.7 2.8 1.5 1.6 1.1 0.1
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 26 2.8 5.2 8.1 0.7 1.5 0.8 0.4
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 24 0.6 3.5 4.2 2.6 1.4 1.1 0.2
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 25 1.5 5.5 7.0 1.1 1.6 0.9 1.1
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 27 0.3 1.0 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.1
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 19 0.2 0.6 0.7 1.4 2.8 0.4 0.0
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 28 0.5 1.3 1.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.3
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 28 1.0 2.5 3.5 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.2
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 28 0.3 1.1 1.4 2.3 1.9 0.8 0.1
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 20 0.7 0.8 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 17 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 15 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.1 0.1 0.0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ball control extended
# Name Yr Pos gp pf/g dq/g a/g
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 28 2.5 0.0 2.9
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 28 1.6 0.0 1.5
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 26 2.5 0.2 0.7
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 24 0.9 - 2.6
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 25 2.0 0.0 1.1
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 27 0.7 - 0.4
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 19 1.6 - 1.4
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 28 0.5 - 0.6
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 28 1.8 0.0 0.9
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 28 1.6 - 2.3
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 20 0.2 - 0.0
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 17 0.4 - 0.2
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 15 0.1 - 0.2
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 0.0 - 0.0
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 28 28 416 159-330 48.2 27-98 27.6 56-91 61.5 401
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 28 18 327 91-221 41.2 16-72 22.2 65-105 61.9 263
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 26 24 341 91-182 50.0 0-0 - 43-76 56.6 225
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 24 22 333 69-209 33.0 50-151 33.1 18-25 72.0 206
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 25 16 272 60-129 46.5 3-7 42.9 29-48 60.4 152
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 27 5 197 53-135 39.3 28-81 34.6 21-27 77.8 155
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 19 7 152 28-87 32.2 9-35 25.7 32-46 69.6 97
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 28 4 152 44-111 39.6 25-80 31.3 3-9 33.3 116
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 28 8 255 42-114 36.8 1-17 5.9 26-36 72.2 111
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 28 7 259 33-79 41.8 7-11 63.6 17-22 77.3 90
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 20 - 60 17-37 45.9 0-0 - 2-4 50.0 36
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 17 - 54 6-11 54.5 0-0 - 2-4 50.0 14
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 15 - 38 1-14 7.1 0-4 0.0 2-2 100.0 4
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 - 0 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs off def reb ast to stl blk
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 28 28 36 95 131 80 69 75 17
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 28 18 32 47 79 43 44 30 2
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 26 24 74 136 210 18 39 20 10
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 24 22 15 85 100 62 33 27 5
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 25 16 38 137 175 27 41 22 28
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 27 5 8 27 35 12 11 18 3
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 19 7 3 11 14 27 54 7 0
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 28 4 13 35 48 17 15 17 7
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 28 8 29 70 99 24 26 20 5
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 28 7 9 31 40 65 53 23 2
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 20 - 13 15 28 0 4 0 1
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 17 - 5 6 11 3 5 4 0
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 15 - 0 3 3 3 17 2 0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ball control extended
# Name Yr Pos gp gs pf dq a/to
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 28 28 70 1 1.2
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 28 18 46 1 1.0
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 26 24 64 4 0.5
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 24 22 22 - 1.9
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 25 16 50 1 0.7
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 27 5 18 - 1.1
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 19 7 30 - 0.5
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 28 4 14 - 1.1
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 28 8 51 1 0.9
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 28 7 45 - 1.2
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 20 - 4 - 0.0
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 17 - 6 - 0.6
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 15 - 2 - 0.2
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 - 0 - -
# Name Yr Pos gp min/g fg/g 3pt/g ft/g ppg
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 16 19.5 6.1-12.1 0.9-3.1 1.6-2.8 14.7
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 16 17.0 3.7-7.6 0.0-0.0 1.8-2.9 9.2
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 13 16.9 3.1-8.9 2.2-6.4 0.8-1.2 9.1
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 16 15.0 3.3-8.1 0.3-1.6 2.0-3.4 8.9
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 16 10.6 2.8-6.9 1.5-4.3 0.5-0.8 7.5
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 13 17.0 2.7-6.2 0.2-0.4 1.7-2.8 7.2
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 8 8.8 1.5-4.5 0.6-1.8 1.0-1.1 4.6
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 16 6.4 1.2-3.6 0.8-2.9 0.1-0.3 3.3
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 16 10.8 1.3-3.8 0.1-0.3 0.5-0.7 3.2
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 16 11.8 1.2-3.2 0.2-0.2 0.4-0.5 2.9
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 12 3.7 1.2-2.3 0.0-0.0 0.2-0.3 2.5
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 10 4.0 0.5-0.8 0.0-0.0 0.2-0.4 1.2
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 3 3.7 0.0-0.3 0.0-0.3 0.0-0.0 0.0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 .0 0.0-0.0 0.0-0.0 0.0-0.0 0.0
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp off/g def/g reb/g ast/g to/g stl/g blk/g
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 16 1.3 3.4 4.7 2.9 2.5 2.8 0.6
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 16 2.9 5.6 8.5 0.9 1.6 0.9 0.4
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 13 0.5 3.8 4.3 2.9 1.5 1.4 0.2
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 16 1.4 1.8 3.3 1.9 1.7 1.1 0.0
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 16 0.4 0.9 1.3 0.7 0.5 1.1 0.1
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 13 2.0 5.6 7.6 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.2
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 8 0.1 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.4 0.5 0.0
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 16 0.3 1.1 1.3 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.3
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 16 1.3 1.9 3.3 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.3
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 16 0.2 1.3 1.4 2.6 1.8 0.8 0.1
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 12 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 10 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.0
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ball control extended
# Name Yr Pos gp pf/g dq/g a/g
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 16 2.5 0.1 2.9
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 16 2.0 0.1 0.9
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 13 1.1 - 2.9
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 16 1.6 - 1.9
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 16 0.7 - 0.7
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 13 2.5 0.1 1.3
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 8 1.6 - 1.0
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 16 0.4 - 0.7
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 16 1.9 0.1 0.6
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 16 1.4 - 2.6
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 12 0.3 - 0.0
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 10 0.4 - 0.2
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 3 0.0 - 0.0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 0.0 - 0.0
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 16 16 312 97-194 50.0 15-50 30.0 26-45 57.8 235
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 16 16 272 59-121 48.8 0-0 - 29-47 61.7 147
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 13 12 220 40-116 34.5 28-83 33.7 10-15 66.7 118
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 16 13 240 53-129 41.1 5-26 19.2 32-54 59.3 143
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 16 3 170 44-110 40.0 24-69 34.8 8-12 66.7 120
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 13 9 221 35-80 43.8 2-5 40.0 22-36 61.1 94
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 8 - 70 12-36 33.3 5-14 35.7 8-9 88.9 37
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 16 - 103 19-58 32.8 12-46 26.1 2-5 40.0 52
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 16 6 173 21-60 35.0 1-5 20.0 8-11 72.7 51
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 16 4 189 19-51 37.3 3-4 75.0 6-8 75.0 47
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 12 - 44 14-28 50.0 0-0 - 2-4 50.0 30
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 10 - 40 5-8 62.5 0-0 - 2-4 50.0 12
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 3 - 11 0-1 0.0 0-1 0.0 0-0 - 0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 - 0 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs off def reb ast to stl blk
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 16 16 20 55 75 46 40 45 10
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 16 16 46 90 136 14 26 14 6
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 13 12 6 50 56 38 20 18 3
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 16 13 23 29 52 30 27 17 0
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 16 3 6 15 21 11 8 17 2
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 13 9 26 73 99 17 20 17 15
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 8 - 1 3 4 8 11 4 0
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 16 - 4 17 21 11 13 7 5
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 16 6 21 31 52 10 14 13 4
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 16 4 3 20 23 42 29 12 2
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 12 - 8 10 18 0 3 0 1
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 10 - 4 5 9 2 4 4 0
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 3 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ball control extended
# Name Yr Pos gp gs pf dq a/to
2 Isaiah Baker Sophomore G/F 16 16 40 1 1.1
33 Chanel Mballa Sophomore 16 16 32 1 0.5
11 Tayne McCann Freshman G 13 12 14 - 1.9
3 Jaylon Hall Freshman G 16 13 25 - 1.1
5 Elijah Thomas Sophomore G 16 3 11 - 1.4
34 Donoban Avery Sophomore 13 9 32 1 0.8
23 Jett Wilson Sophomore G 8 - 13 - 0.7
21 Jaydon Hall Freshman 16 - 7 - 0.8
12 Luciano Casini Sophomore F 16 6 30 1 0.7
1 Kobe Ennis Freshman 16 4 23 - 1.4
15 Michael Baingana Sophomore F/C 12 - 4 - 0.0
24 Jeremiah Peters Freshman G/F 10 - 4 - 0.5
4 Tyler Harris Freshman G 3 - 0 - 0.0
32 Mateo Magana Sophomore 1 - 0 - -
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 23-57 40.4 10-26 38.5 18-28 64.3 74.0
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 20-54 37.0 5-21 23.8 14-22 63.6 59.0
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 25-49 51.0 5-17 29.4 10-16 62.5 65.0
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 19-63 30.2 6-29 20.7 13-17 76.5 57.0
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 21-58 36.2 8-25 32.0 17-26 65.4 67.0
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 32-55 58.2 5-19 26.3 12-19 63.2 81.0
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 20-55 36.4 6-23 26.1 19-24 79.2 65.0
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 23-60 38.3 5-22 22.7 12-19 63.2 63.0
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 27-57 47.4 2-11 18.2 16-25 64.0 72.0
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 13-52 25.0 1-13 7.7 16-21 76.2 43.0
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 15-48 31.3 4-11 36.4 15-25 60.0 49.0
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 22-47 46.8 4-14 28.6 12-17 70.6 60.0
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 17-52 32.7 7-22 31.8 13-23 56.5 54.0
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 27-60 45.0 8-24 33.3 5-9 55.6 67.0
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 27-59 45.8 5-23 21.7 3-6 50.0 62.0
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 22-52 42.3 4-11 36.4 12-20 60.0 60.0
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 39-74 52.7 10-25 40.0 9-14 64.3 97.0
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 29-56 51.8 5-17 29.4 12-17 70.6 75.0
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 19-65 29.2 6-23 26.1 9-14 64.3 53.0
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 34-80 42.5 8-24 33.3 6-11 54.5 82.0
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 23-58 39.7 4-13 30.8 5-7 71.4 55.0
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 22-57 38.6 2-16 12.5 10-17 58.8 56.0
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 19-58 32.8 5-21 23.8 5-10 50.0 48.0
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 24-50 48.0 7-16 43.8 8-15 53.3 63.0
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 36-77 46.8 11-30 36.7 9-13 69.2 92.0
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 26-54 48.1 8-21 38.1 11-18 61.1 71.0
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 23-65 35.4 0-10 0.0 20-31 64.5 66.0
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 47-87 54.0 15-29 51.7 5-11 45.5 114.0
Date Opponent Score off def reb mrgn
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 9 32 41 2.0
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 9 27 36 1.0
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 9 13 22 -5.0
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 19 26 45 45.0
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 14 35 49 11.0
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 9 30 39 8.0
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 10 28 38 0.0
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 13 19 32 -6.0
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 5 26 31 -5.0
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 11 19 30 -8.0
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 8 18 26 -14.0
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 1 14 15 -14.0
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 8 27 35 -5.0
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 11 33 44 14.0
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 11 22 33 0.0
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 5 24 29 -7.0
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 13 31 44 20.0
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 7 30 37 8.0
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 9 23 32 -12.0
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 23 26 49 18.0
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 8 27 35 3.0
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 9 21 30 0.0
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 11 33 44 1.0
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 6 21 27 -9.0
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 12 30 42 10.0
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 6 22 28 -9.0
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 16 25 41 3.0
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 21 35 56 36.0
Date Opponent Score to stl blk ast
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 15 6 2 8
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 20 9 3 11
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 19 14 4 16
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 16 10 3 8
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 17 10 2 14
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 29 6 2 20
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 14 7 3 12
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 21 7 6 13
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 9 8 0 13
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 11 3 2 5
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 16 7 4 7
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 18 8 3 9
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 3 5 0 11
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 17 7 4 17
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 13 7 3 8
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 4 9 1 12
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 11 16 4 23
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 20 12 2 16
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 18 15 4 14
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 14 16 3 18
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 13 9 1 16
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 21 8 3 11
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 20 7 6 8
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 14 13 2 11
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 10 13 3 27
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 12 9 5 13
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 21 11 3 11
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 12 13 2 29
Date Opponent Score pf off eff net eff
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 20 0.961 -0.019
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 16 0.776 -0.007
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 19 0.970 0.151
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 22 0.832 0.832
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 15 0.905 0.119
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 18 0.959 -0.205
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 17 0.915 -0.275
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 17 0.813 -0.410
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 15 0.980 0.172
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 11 0.688 -0.353
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 15 0.715 -0.401
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 0 0.828 -0.411
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 15 0.923 0.002
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 13 0.950 0.323
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 15 0.969 -0.017
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 15 0.984 0.306
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 17 1.228 0.604
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 14 0.968 0.331
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 14 0.654 -0.455
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 15 1.072 0.336
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 14 0.827 -0.047
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 15 0.723 -0.244
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 15 0.667 -0.114
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 19 0.962 0.066
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 15 1.129 0.450
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 14 1.029 0.242
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 16 0.772 -0.198
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 13 1.365 0.715
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct pts
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 28-67 41.8 10-29 34.5 75.0
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 23-55 41.8 7-23 30.4 58.0
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 20-51 39.2 5-14 35.7 59.0
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 0-0 - 0-0 - 64.0
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 23-66 34.8 4-21 19.0 57.0
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 40-84 47.6 10-35 28.6 103.0
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 28-63 44.4 13-25 52.0 78.0
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 32-58 55.2 7-16 43.8 85.0
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 24-59 40.7 5-29 17.2 61.0
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 24-53 45.3 7-19 36.8 64.0
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 31-58 53.4 5-12 41.7 77.0
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 27-50 54.0 9-18 50.0 83.0
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 22-58 37.9 2-19 10.5 64.0
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 15-60 25.0 4-13 30.8 42.0
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 21-52 40.4 10-23 43.5 67.0
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 16-52 30.8 2-16 12.5 42.0
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 15-47 31.9 3-18 16.7 48.0
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 17-51 33.3 1-7 14.3 49.0
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 28-58 48.3 11-27 40.7 81.0
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 20-51 39.2 6-20 30.0 57.0
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 23-56 41.1 9-22 40.9 59.0
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 26-55 47.3 6-21 28.6 73.0
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 20-64 31.3 10-34 29.4 57.0
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 21-53 39.6 5-15 33.3 60.0
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 22-57 38.6 5-24 20.8 57.0
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 19-54 35.2 4-12 33.3 61.0
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 29-65 44.6 6-19 31.6 82.0
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 17-55 30.9 9-31 29.0 54.0
Date Opponent Score off def reb mrgn
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 12.0 27.0 39.0 2.0
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 8.0 27.0 35.0 1.0
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 12.0 15.0 27.0 -5.0
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.0
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 14.0 24.0 38.0 11.0
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 13.0 18.0 31.0 8.0
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 13.0 25.0 38.0 0.0
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 18.0 20.0 38.0 -6.0
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 12.0 24.0 36.0 -5.0
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 10.0 28.0 38.0 -8.0
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 12.0 28.0 40.0 -14.0
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 8.0 21.0 29.0 -14.0
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 10.0 30.0 40.0 -5.0
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 11.0 19.0 30.0 14.0
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 9.0 24.0 33.0 0.0
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 12.0 24.0 36.0 -7.0
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 3.0 21.0 24.0 20.0
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 6.0 23.0 29.0 8.0
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 12.0 32.0 44.0 -12.0
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 5.0 26.0 31.0 18.0
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 9.0 23.0 32.0 3.0
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 7.0 23.0 30.0 0.0
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 13.0 30.0 43.0 1.0
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 13.0 23.0 36.0 -9.0
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 3.0 29.0 32.0 10.0
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 10.0 27.0 37.0 -9.0
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 8.0 30.0 38.0 3.0
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 4.0 16.0 20.0 36.0
Date Opponent Score to stl blk ast
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 12.0 9.0 3.0 18.0
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 22.0 9.0 3.0 13.0
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 22.0 13.0 3.0 7.0
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 14.0 12.0 2.0 12.0
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 8.0 19.0 0.0 16.0
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 9.0 4.0 3.0 17.0
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 20.0 9.0 6.0 25.0
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 21.0 4.0 4.0 6.0
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 12.0 6.0 7.0 12.0
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 16.0 10.0 4.0 17.0
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 13.0 11.0 7.0 14.0
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 11.0 6.0 0.0 10.0
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 11.0 12.0 2.0 13.0
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 16.0 7.0 6.0 11.0
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 14.0 3.0 1.0 8.0
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 21.0 7.0 1.0 6.0
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 22.0 12.0 3.0 4.0
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 19.0 14.0 8.0 24.0
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 25.0 8.0 4.0 12.0
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 15.0 10.0 8.0 10.0
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 17.0 12.0 2.0 18.0
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 17.0 8.0 3.0 14.0
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 17.0 6.0 3.0 9.0
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 24.0 10.0 3.0 6.0
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 21.0 10.0 7.0 11.0
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 18.0 14.0 3.0 15.0
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 24.0 8.0 2.0 14.0
Date Opponent Score pf def eff net eff
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 21.0 0.980 -0.019
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 19.0 0.784 -0.007
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 0.0 0.819 0.151
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 0.0 - 0.832
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 21.0 0.786 0.119
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 19.0 1.164 -0.205
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 16.0 1.191 -0.275
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 18.0 1.223 -0.410
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 19.0 0.808 0.172
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 21.0 1.041 -0.353
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 24.0 1.116 -0.401
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 15.0 1.239 -0.411
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 18.0 0.921 0.002
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 0.0 0.627 0.323
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 11.0 0.985 -0.017
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 19.0 0.677 0.306
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 14.0 0.623 0.604
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 15.0 0.636 0.331
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 20.0 1.110 -0.455
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 12.0 0.735 0.336
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 0.0 0.874 -0.047
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 19.0 0.967 -0.244
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 17.0 0.781 -0.114
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 21.0 0.896 0.066
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 14.0 0.679 0.450
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 0.0 0.787 0.242
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 23.0 0.970 -0.198
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 9.0 0.651 0.715
gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
Total 28 694-1659 41.8 166-556 29.9 316-495 63.8 66.8
Conference 16 418-992 42.1 95-303 31.4 155-250 62.0 67.9
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - -
Home 13 350-784 44.6 68-247 27.5 146-228 64.0 70.3
Away 13 305-776 39.3 87-273 31.9 145-227 63.9 64.8
Neutral 2 39-99 39.4 11-36 30.6 25-40 62.5 57.0
Wins 13 377-808 46.7 96-271 35.4 134-217 61.8 75.7
Losses 15 317-851 37.3 70-285 24.6 182-278 65.5 59.1
November 6 140-336 41.7 39-137 28.5 84-128 65.6 67.2
December 8 164-431 38.1 37-140 26.4 108-163 66.3 59.1
January 9 234-559 41.9 49-173 28.3 71-116 61.2 65.3
February 5 156-333 46.8 41-106 38.7 53-88 60.2 81.2
gp off def reb mrgn
Total 28 10.5 25.6 36.1 3.1
Conference 16 11.0 25.4 36.4 2.5
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 13 11.5 24.5 35.9 6.7
Away 13 10.4 27.5 37.9 1.4
Neutral 2 4.5 20.5 25.0 -9.5
Wins 13 10.8 27.2 38.0 6.4
Losses 15 10.1 24.3 34.4 0.2
November 6 11.5 27.2 38.7 10.3
December 8 8.4 23.0 31.4 -4.8
January 9 10.7 26.3 37.0 3.4
February 5 12.2 26.6 38.8 6.2
gp to stl blk ast
Total 28 15.3 9.0 3.5 13.6
Conference 16 14.4 9.1 4.1 14.3
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 13 16.7 9.0 3.1 14.2
Away 13 14.6 9.2 3.9 13.6
Neutral 2 10.5 8.5 3.5 10.0
Wins 13 13.8 8.8 2.9 16.9
Losses 15 16.6 9.3 4.0 10.7
November 6 19.3 10.3 1.8 12.8
December 8 13.6 7.8 4.1 10.9
January 9 14.9 9.0 4.0 14.0
February 5 13.8 9.6 3.6 18.2
gp pf off eff net eff
Total 28 15.1 0.916 -0.004
Conference 16 14.8 0.927 0.088
Exhibition - - - -
Home 13 16.2 0.946 -0.020
Away 13 15.2 0.891 0.038
Neutral 2 7.5 0.870 -0.207
Wins 13 15.4 1.031 0.301
Losses 15 14.9 0.815 -0.288
November 6 18.3 0.902 -0.183
December 8 12.9 0.853 -0.164
January 9 14.9 0.898 0.078
February 5 15.4 1.055 0.262
gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
Total 28 631-1552 40.7 175-562 31.1 64.9
Conference 16 349-881 39.6 99-320 30.9 61.8
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - -
Home 13 286-683 41.9 74-247 30.0 66.8
Away 13 296-761 38.9 90-278 32.4 61.6
Neutral 2 49-108 45.4 11-37 29.7 73.5
Wins 13 252-711 35.4 60-243 24.7 54.2
Losses 15 379-841 45.1 115-319 36.1 74.1
November 6 134-323 41.5 36-122 29.5 69.3
December 8 203-459 44.2 52-151 34.4 69.3
January 9 186-486 38.3 58-188 30.9 59.2
February 5 108-284 38.0 29-101 28.7 62.8
gp off def reb mrgn
Total 28 9.5 23.5 33.0 3.1
Conference 16 8.5 25.4 33.9 2.5
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 13 8.8 20.4 29.2 6.7
Away 13 10.3 26.2 36.5 1.4
Neutral 2 9.0 25.5 34.5 -9.5
Wins 13 8.7 22.9 31.6 6.4
Losses 15 10.3 23.9 34.2 0.2
November 6 9.8 18.5 28.3 10.3
December 8 11.8 24.4 36.1 -4.8
January 9 8.4 25.1 33.6 3.4
February 5 7.6 25.0 32.6 6.2
gp to stl blk ast
Total 28 16.5 9.5 2.9 12.2
Conference 16 18.6 10.5 3.0 11.9
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 13 16.8 9.8 2.8 11.0
Away 13 16.8 9.5 3.2 13.5
Neutral 2 12.0 6.5 1.5 12.0
Wins 13 19.8 11.5 2.7 9.3
Losses 15 13.5 7.7 3.0 14.7
November 6 13.0 9.2 2.7 11.0
December 8 14.1 6.5 2.8 14.3
January 9 18.4 11.0 3.0 11.9
February 5 20.8 11.8 3.0 11.0
gp pf def eff net eff
Total 28 14.5 0.920 -0.004
Conference 16 14.9 0.839 0.088
Exhibition - - - -
Home 13 14.5 0.967 -0.020
Away 13 14.1 0.853 0.038
Neutral 2 16.5 1.077 -0.207
Wins 13 12.5 0.730 0.301
Losses 15 16.1 1.103 -0.288
November 6 13.3 1.085 -0.183
December 8 16.4 1.017 -0.164
January 9 14.1 0.819 0.078
February 5 13.4 0.793 0.262
Date Opponent Score Attend
Nov 6 at Riverside L, 75-74 129
Nov 8 at Los Angeles City W, 59-58 0
Nov 13 LA Harbor W, 65-59 0
Nov 15 Copper Mountain L, 64-57 0
Nov 20 at LA Valley W, 67-57 0
Nov 22 Chaffey L, 103-81 0
Dec 4 at LA Pierce L, 78-65 0
Dec 6 Santa Ana L, 85-63 50
Dec 11 Mt. San Jacinto W, 72-61 0
Dec 18 MiraCosta L, 64-43 0
Dec 20 at San Diego City L, 77-49 0
Dec 28 vs. East Los Angeles L, 83-60 0
Dec 29 vs. Antelope Valley L, 64-54 0
Dec 30 at Cuyamaca W, 67-42 0
Jan 2 Palomar L, 67-62 0
Jan 4 at San Diego Miramar W, 60-42 0
Jan 8 Imperial Valley W, 97-48 0
Jan 10 Cuyamaca W, 75-49 0
Jan 15 at Southwestern L, 81-53 0
Jan 17 at Grossmont W, 82-57 0
Jan 24 at MiraCosta L, 59-55 0
Jan 28 San Diego City L, 73-56 0
Jan 31 at Palomar L, 57-48 0
Feb 5 San Diego Miramar W, 63-60 0
Feb 7 at Imperial Valley W, 92-57 0
Feb 12 at Cuyamaca W, 71-61 0
Feb 14 Southwestern L, 82-66 0
Feb 19 Grossmont W, 114-54 0