Team Stats

Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
84.09375 1 Citrus 32 916-2138 42.8 315-950 33.2 544-803 67.7 84.1
81.7 2 West LA 30 885-1996 44.3 196-631 31.1 482-654 73.7 81.7
77.10714285714286 3 Canyons 28 765-1709 44.8 190-575 33.0 439-646 68.0 77.1
76.60714285714286 4 Santa Monica 28 726-1723 42.1 213-619 34.4 475-673 70.6 76.6
71.39285714285714 5 Antelope Valley 28 722-1769 40.8 184-596 30.9 371-548 67.7 71.4
70.0 6 Bakersfield 28 760-1683 45.2 166-517 32.1 274-439 62.4 70.0
69.25 7 LA Valley 28 672-1595 42.1 132-459 28.8 373-522 71.5 69.3
64.92857142857143 8 Glendale 28 648-1605 40.4 147-498 29.5 375-552 67.9 64.9
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
13.4375 1 Citrus 32 13.4 25.7 39.1 0.6
13.392857142857142 2 Santa Monica 28 13.4 26.0 39.4 2.8
12.678571428571429 3 Bakersfield 28 12.7 25.8 38.5 4.8
11.714285714285714 4 Canyons 28 11.7 25.2 36.9 0.3
11.678571428571429 5 Antelope Valley 28 11.7 26.5 38.1 1.1
11.633333333333333 6 West LA 30 11.6 28.0 39.7 2.4
10.571428571428571 7 LA Valley 28 10.6 26.9 37.5 1.4
10.035714285714286 8 Glendale 28 10.0 23.8 33.9 -3.1
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
14.464285714285714 1 Canyons 28 14.5 7.4 3.0 14.2
14.633333333333333 2 West LA 30 14.6 6.7 3.1 12.0
15.071428571428571 3 Antelope Valley 28 15.1 6.3 3.9 12.9
15.15625 4 Citrus 32 15.2 7.3 3.8 14.5
15.321428571428571 5 Bakersfield 28 15.3 6.9 3.5 14.4
15.464285714285714 6 Glendale 28 15.5 6.4 3.3 9.9
15.642857142857142 7 Santa Monica 28 15.6 8.0 3.0 12.2
17.714285714285715 8 LA Valley 28 17.7 9.4 3.1 11.8
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.03719406436693 1 Citrus 32 21.6 1.037 0.154
1.0237079184447606 2 Canyons 28 16.3 1.024 0.001
1.015748031496063 3 West LA 30 20.2 1.016 0.052
1.010600706713781 4 Santa Monica 28 18.2 1.011 -0.089
0.9916519099418163 5 Bakersfield 28 17.0 0.992 -0.003
0.9430933852140078 6 LA Valley 28 16.8 0.943 -0.039
0.9349859681945744 7 Antelope Valley 28 20.4 0.935 0.003
0.8942449581898672 8 Glendale 28 18.7 0.894 -0.104
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
70.57142857142857 1 Bakersfield 28 719-1667 43.1 141-439 32.1 70.6
71.0 2 Citrus 32 792-1816 43.6 140-513 27.3 71.0
71.28571428571429 3 Antelope Valley 28 684-1682 40.7 166-575 28.9 71.3
72.25 4 Glendale 28 725-1663 43.6 184-567 32.5 72.3
75.32142857142857 5 LA Valley 28 743-1779 41.8 250-744 33.6 75.3
76.35714285714286 6 Canyons 28 802-1777 45.1 183-601 30.4 76.4
77.76666666666667 7 West LA 30 798-1891 42.2 238-713 33.4 77.8
78.82142857142857 8 Santa Monica 28 772-1731 44.6 176-539 32.7 78.8
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
22.785714285714285 1 Bakersfield 28 11.0 22.8 33.8 4.8
24.678571428571427 2 Santa Monica 28 11.9 24.7 36.6 2.8
24.785714285714285 3 Glendale 28 12.1 24.8 36.9 -3.1
25.035714285714285 4 LA Valley 28 11.1 25.0 36.1 1.4
25.321428571428573 5 Canyons 28 11.3 25.3 36.6 0.3
26.071428571428573 6 Antelope Valley 28 11.0 26.1 37.0 1.1
26.766666666666666 7 West LA 30 10.5 26.8 37.3 2.4
28.21875 8 Citrus 32 10.3 28.2 38.5 0.6
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
21.5625 1 Citrus 32 21.6 10.9 2.6 9.6
16.1 2 West LA 30 16.1 8.4 4.5 12.4
15.142857142857142 3 Antelope Valley 28 15.1 6.9 3.0 12.2
14.964285714285714 4 LA Valley 28 15.0 6.6 2.6 13.3
14.214285714285714 5 Glendale 28 14.2 5.9 2.1 12.5
13.714285714285714 6 Canyons 28 13.7 7.1 2.3 14.0
12.214285714285714 7 Santa Monica 28 12.2 7.0 5.2 14.8
12.035714285714286 8 Bakersfield 28 12.0 6.2 3.0 9.9
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
21.40625 1 Citrus 32 21.4 0.883 0.154
19.321428571428573 2 Canyons 28 19.3 1.022 0.001
18.821428571428573 3 Santa Monica 28 18.8 1.099 -0.089
18.366666666666667 4 West LA 30 18.4 0.964 0.052
18.035714285714285 5 Glendale 28 18.0 0.999 -0.104
17.428571428571427 6 LA Valley 28 17.4 0.982 -0.039
15.75 7 Antelope Valley 28 15.8 0.932 0.003
14.5 8 Bakersfield 28 14.5 0.994 -0.003
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
88.28571428571429 1 Citrus 14 413-943 43.8 148-418 35.4 262-364 72.0 88.3
83.92857142857143 2 West LA 14 434-943 46.0 88-272 32.4 217-298 72.8 83.9
71.21428571428571 3 Canyons 14 358-861 41.6 83-287 28.9 198-313 63.3 71.2
82.07142857142857 4 Santa Monica 14 382-884 43.2 124-333 37.2 261-358 72.9 82.1
70.07142857142857 5 Antelope Valley 14 353-870 40.6 71-258 27.5 204-294 69.4 70.1
65.28571428571429 6 Bakersfield 14 343-827 41.5 79-269 29.4 149-226 65.9 65.3
72.35714285714286 7 LA Valley 14 348-808 43.1 59-213 27.7 170-241 70.5 72.4
62.642857142857146 8 Glendale 14 316-769 41.1 75-234 32.1 170-258 65.9 62.6
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
12.857142857142858 1 Citrus 14 12.9 25.1 38.0 -0.2
12.928571428571429 2 Santa Monica 14 12.9 26.9 39.9 3.3
12.357142857142858 3 Bakersfield 14 12.4 24.8 37.1 2.4
12.214285714285714 4 Canyons 14 12.2 23.4 35.6 -3.6
12.071428571428571 5 Antelope Valley 14 12.1 26.4 38.4 1.4
12.428571428571429 6 West LA 14 12.4 27.6 40.0 4.6
10.071428571428571 7 LA Valley 14 10.1 26.9 37.0 -2.3
7.5 8 Glendale 14 7.5 25.3 32.8 -5.6
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
14.5 1 Canyons 14 14.5 7.1 2.9 11.6
14.714285714285714 2 West LA 14 14.7 6.7 3.4 12.6
14.428571428571429 3 Antelope Valley 14 14.4 6.7 3.8 12.3
11.928571428571429 4 Citrus 14 11.9 5.9 3.9 15.6
14.071428571428571 5 Bakersfield 14 14.1 7.1 4.1 11.6
16.071428571428573 6 Glendale 14 16.1 6.6 2.9 7.6
15.357142857142858 7 Santa Monica 14 15.4 7.9 2.4 12.1
15.857142857142858 8 LA Valley 14 15.9 8.8 4.2 12.7
Rk Team gp pf off eff net eff
1.1115107913669064 1 Citrus 14 21.1 1.112 0.186
0.9499761791329204 2 Canyons 14 16.1 0.950 -0.066
1.045373665480427 3 West LA 14 18.9 1.045 0.111
1.0474020054694622 4 Santa Monica 14 17.9 1.047 -0.096
0.9481327800829875 5 Bakersfield 14 16.9 0.948 -0.048
1.003467062902427 6 LA Valley 14 14.6 1.003 0.007
0.9342857142857143 7 Antelope Valley 14 19.6 0.934 -0.008
0.8614931237721022 8 Glendale 14 18.4 0.861 -0.120
Rk Team gp fg pct 3pt pct pts
69.57142857142857 1 Bakersfield 14 348-820 42.4 71-226 31.4 69.6
73.14285714285714 2 Citrus 14 364-798 45.6 56-200 28.0 73.1
70.14285714285714 3 Antelope Valley 14 334-840 39.8 81-283 28.6 70.1
72.0 4 Glendale 14 360-858 42.0 87-294 29.6 72.0
77.28571428571429 5 LA Valley 14 384-927 41.4 132-379 34.8 77.3
75.64285714285714 6 Canyons 14 393-870 45.2 95-293 32.4 75.6
75.64285714285714 6 West LA 14 367-904 40.6 115-343 33.5 75.6
82.42857142857143 8 Santa Monica 14 397-888 44.7 90-266 33.8 82.4
Rk Team gp off def reb mrgn
23.5 1 Bakersfield 14 11.3 23.5 34.8 2.4
24.857142857142858 2 Santa Monica 14 11.7 24.9 36.6 3.3
25.571428571428573 3 Glendale 14 12.8 25.6 38.4 -5.6
27.071428571428573 4 LA Valley 14 12.2 27.1 39.3 -2.3
27.285714285714285 5 Canyons 14 11.9 27.3 39.2 -3.6
25.357142857142858 6 Antelope Valley 14 11.7 25.4 37.1 1.4
24.642857142857142 7 West LA 14 10.7 24.6 35.4 4.6
28.142857142857142 8 Citrus 14 10.1 28.1 38.2 -0.2
Rk Team gp to stl blk ast
19.714285714285715 1 Citrus 14 19.7 10.1 2.9 10.4
15.928571428571429 2 West LA 14 15.9 8.1 5.9 12.1
14.0 3 Antelope Valley 14 14.0 6.9 4.1 10.4
14.714285714285714 4 LA Valley 14 14.7 6.1 3.0 13.6
13.928571428571429 5 Glendale 14 13.9 5.4 1.9 10.9
15.357142857142858 6 Canyons 14 15.4 7.6 2.2 13.4
11.714285714285714 7 Santa Monica 14 11.7 6.4 5.5 15.1
11.571428571428571 8 Bakersfield 14 11.6 6.1 2.1 10.2
Rk Team gp pf def eff net eff
21.785714285714285 1 Citrus 14 21.8 0.925 0.186
18.857142857142858 2 Canyons 14 18.9 1.016 -0.066
18.142857142857142 3 Santa Monica 14 18.1 1.143 -0.096
18.571428571428573 4 West LA 14 18.6 0.934 0.111
16.928571428571427 5 Glendale 14 16.9 0.982 -0.120
16.785714285714285 6 LA Valley 14 16.8 0.997 0.007
18.357142857142858 7 Antelope Valley 14 18.4 0.942 -0.008
13.928571428571429 8 Bakersfield 14 13.9 0.996 -0.048