CCCWVCA Hall of Fame
The following are members of the California Community College Women's Volleyball Coaches Association HALL OF FAME because of their uncompromising commitment to excellence and their long term leadership in California Community College women's volleyball.
2008 - Mary Ann Paz & Lori Jepsen
2001 - Flo Hyman & Jeanine Prindle
2000 - Sharon Yox & Jo Ingraham
1999 - Ann Heck & Lou Ann Terheggen-Selsky
1998 - Shirley Gustafson & Gene Hofer
1996 - Rena Barsanti, Susan Scott, Claudine Simpson, Jane Ward
1995 - Betty Crilley, Jane Hilgendorf, Marty Orner, Nancy Warren, JoAnn Zwanziger