Top Four Maintain Spots in 3C2A Men’s Wrestling Rankings
Mt. SAC, Fresno City, Sacramento City and Cerritos maintained the top four spots in the second edition of the 3C2A Men's Wrestling Rankings.
In the second edition of the 2023 3C2A Men's Wrestling Rankings, the top four teams remain the same as Mt. SAC, Fresno City, Sacramento City and Cerritos continue to impress.
Meanwhile, Bakersfield and Victor Valley moved up one spot each while Palomar dropped five spots to No. 10. Modesto made the biggest leap, climbing to the No. 7 spot from No. 11 while No. 8 Rio Hondo and No. 9 Moorpark maintained their place in the top 10.
Team Rankings
1 Mt. San Antonio
2 Fresno City
3 Sacramento City
4 Cerritos
5 Bakersfield
6 Victor Valley
7 Modesto
8 Rio Hondo
9 Moorpark
10 Palomar
11 Santa Ana
12 Skyline
13 Santa Rosa
14 College of the Redwoods
15 Cuesta
16 Chabot
17 Shasta
18 Sierra
19 Lassen
20 West Hills
21 SJ Delta
Individual Rankings
1 Christopher Calderon - MSA
2 Adrian Limon - MSA
3 Scotty Moore - SKY
4 Tallon Chambers - FCC
5 Dylan Atherton - RH
6 Ben Quilpa - SCC
7 Dakota Sanders - COR
8 Danny Arellano - SIE
Honorable Mention
Andres Cervantes - CUE
Cameron Calhoun - CER
Cameron Fernando - MP
Carlos Garcia - CER
Jacob Benavidas - RH
Joseph Mills - MOD
Logan Rubio - SA
Nicholas Arrellano - MSA
Honorable Mention
1 Adrian Chavez - FCC
2 Devin Martinez - RH
3 Emilio Medina - Mt. SAC
4 Pedro Lecerda - MSA
5 Derreck Alcantor - BAK
6 Dustin Merlos - LAS
7 Levi Waller - CER
8 Jonathon Woods - BAK
Honorable Mention
Elijah Martinez - WH
Gio Ubrieta - WH
William Baumgarten - COR
Marco Firmacion - SCC
Jacob Hodge - SCC
1 Zachary Parker - MSA
2 Mathew Terrence - FCC
3 Evan Roy - VV
4 Ahmad Lewis - SCC
5 Kymani Capri - COR
6 Zane Kowalkowski - SHA
7 Finn Long - RH
8 Michael Padilla - ELA
Honorable Mention
Aceyn Meyer - SHA
Emmanual Plascencia - FCC
Jake Topartzer - CER
Kimo Servino - CER
1 Mario De La Torre - CER
2 Mathew Arias - FCC
3 Anthony Nunes - MOD
4 Brandon Bollinger - VV
5 Ammar Khan - SCC
6 Spencer Perry - CER
7 Dorian Parker - PAL
8 Brian Geiger - MSA
Honorable Mention
Brian Dryer - RH
Efrain Rodriguez - MSA
Jacob Benson - SHA
Jasper Centano - CER
Dylan Moreno - Mt. SAC
Joseph Insalaco - SIE
1 Caolite Drury - CER
2 Jacob Gamino - MSA
3 Anthony Perez - PAL
4 Chase Mirelez - MOD
5 Nicholas Dehart - FCC
6 Nathan Vasquez - SKY
7 Alfredo Trejo-Mendoza - SCC
8 Zeke Hueter - SA
Honorable Mention
Caden Diamond - SCC
Dylan Bentz - VV
Gavin Ibarra - MSA
Joshua Padilla - ELA
Talan Lomeli - SHA
1 Alex Ramirez - MSA
2 Ethan Boyd - SCC
3 Adrian Juarez - BAK
4 Edward Ramirez - SA
5 Armando Renteria - MP
6 Gabe Carrillo - MP
7 Isaac Romero-Martinez - MOD
8 Thomas Venezia - SKY
Honorable Mention
Cadence Turner - MSA
Cael Garriott - CER
Jamison McKnight - SHA
Jesus Navarrete - BAK
Joshua Thomas - SIE
Zackary Morgan - SR
1 Nathan Cruz - MSA
2 Marcos Gamez - FCC
3 Abheybir Sekhon - FCC
4 Jezziel Perez - MP
5 Joshua Sheppard - BAK
6 Zach Harkey - CER
7 DJ Weimer - PAL
8 Isreal Manriquez - VV
Honorable Mention
Bing Westbrock - SR
Efrain Duenas - MOD
Gabe Carillo - MP
Jeffrey Skyrud - COR
Juan Nuno - WH
Luke Peasley - SKY
Reily Lowrey - CUE
Sergio Gutierrez - SA
Andrew Hamant - SCC
1 Adrian Chavez-Morales - SCC
2 Bryan Thorne - SKY
3 Adrian Garcia - FCC
4 Ben Settum - CER
5 Isaac Villalobos - BAK
6 Jesse Herrera - MSA
7 Rafael Roman-Amador - BAK
8 Daniel Cox - PAL
Honorable Mention
Andres Rodriguez - SCC
Andrew Zarate - LAS
Caden Noha - SHA
Landen Degennaro - MP
Antonio Velasquez - SCC
Luis Vargas - MP
1 Ethan Birch - SCC
2 Rayhan Jaleel - SR
3 Christian Davidson - CUE
4 Marco Silva - FCC
5 Isaac Lopez - MSA
6 Frank Pomilla - SR
7 Armando Sandoval - CER
8 Uriel Vasquez - BAK
Honorable Mention
Manman Garner - SCC
Malik Lugar - SIE
JJ Martinez - FCC
Liam Clark - PAL
Miles Kline - MP
Prince Gainous - LAS
1 Kobe Pablo - CER
2 Owen Finn - VV
3 Joseph Nava - SA
4 Isaiah Perez - CHA
5 Dib Sawaya - MSA
6 Evan Glines - SCC
7 Chris Bayne - FCC
8 Angelo Franco - VV
Honorable Mention
Brayan Macias - PAL
Cody Ruiz - MOD
Dylan Avila - WH
Johnell Ward - BAK
Leo Ramirez - WH
Seth Seibert - BAK