Player Stats

played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs g/g a/g pts/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 17 4 .00 .00 .00
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 19 19 .00 .00 .00
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 23 .04 .04 .13
4 J Schott Grossmont 18 17 .00 .00 .00
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 22 .00 .09 .09
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 10 10 .00 .00 .00
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp sh/g sh%/g sog/g sog%/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 17 .00 - .00 -
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 19 .00 - .00 -
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 .00 - .04 -
4 J Schott Grossmont 18 .00 - .00 -
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 .18 .000 .05 .250
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 10 .10 .000 .00 .000
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs ga/g gaa sv/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 15 5 .18 0.32 .53
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 18 18 .37 0.42 3.16
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 23 .83 0.84 5.30
4 J Schott Grossmont 16 15 .72 1.23 1.78
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 22 2.00 2.13 7.95
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 9 9 5.10 6.16 9.60
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp min/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 15 50:03
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 18 79:44
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 88:03
4 J Schott Grossmont 16 52:44
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 84:39
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 9 74:30
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs g a pts
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 17 4 0 0 0
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 19 19 0 0 0
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 23 1 1 3
4 J Schott Grossmont 18 17 0 0 0
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 22 0 2 2
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 10 10 0 0 0
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp sh sh% sog sog%
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 17 0 - 0 -
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 19 0 - 0 -
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 0 - 1 -
4 J Schott Grossmont 18 0 - 0 -
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 4 .000 1 .250
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 10 1 .000 0 .000
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp yc rc pk gw
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 17 0 0 0-0 0
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 19 0 0 0-0 0
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 0 0 0-0 0
4 J Schott Grossmont 18 0 0 0-0 0
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 0 0 0-0 0
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 10 0 0 0-0 0
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs ga sv sv%
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 15 5 3 9 .750
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 18 18 7 60 .896
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 23 19 122 .865
4 J Schott Grossmont 16 15 13 32 .711
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 22 44 175 .799
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 9 9 51 96 .653
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp wins losses ties shutouts min
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 15 4 0 1 3/5 850:50
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 18 10 4 2 9/3 1515:00
3 R Hauser Southwestern 23 16 1 5 6/2 2025:00
4 J Schott Grossmont 16 7 4 2 2/5 949:10
5 V Castillo San Diego City 22 4 8 1 3/0 1862:10
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 9 0 5 1 1/0 745:00
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs g/g a/g pts/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 3 .00 .00 .00
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 9 .00 .00 .00
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 10 .10 .10 .30
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 6 .00 .00 .00
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 10 .00 .10 .10
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 4 .00 .00 .00
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp sh/g sh%/g sog/g sog%/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 .00 - .00 -
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 .00 - .00 -
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 .00 - .10 -
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 .00 - .00 -
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 .00 - .00 -
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 .00 - .00 -
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs ga/g gaa sv/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 3 .00 0.00 .00
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 9 .11 0.13 3.56
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 10 .60 0.63 4.50
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 6 .83 1.00 2.17
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 10 2.00 2.00 8.20
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 4 5.25 5.25 10.75
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp min/g
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 72:00
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 80:00
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 85:30
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 75:00
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 90:00
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 90:00
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs g a pts
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 3 0 0 0
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 9 0 0 0
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 10 1 1 3
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 6 0 0 0
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 10 0 1 1
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 4 0 0 0
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp sh sh% sog sog%
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 0 - 0 -
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 0 - 0 -
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 0 - 1 -
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 0 - 0 -
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 0 - 0 -
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 0 - 0 -
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp yc rc pk gw
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 0 0 0-0 0
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 0 0 0-0 0
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 0 0 0-0 0
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 0 0 0-0 0
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 0 0 0-0 0
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 0 0 0-0 0
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp gs ga sv sv%
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 3 0 0 -
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 9 1 32 .970
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 10 6 45 .882
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 6 5 13 .722
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 10 20 82 .804
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 4 21 43 .672
played in 33% of team goalie minutes
Rk Name Team gp wins losses ties shutouts min
1 M Dickerson-James Grossmont 5 3 0 0 2/1 360:00
2 L Hill San Diego Mesa 9 6 1 1 5/2 720:00
3 R Hauser Southwestern 10 7 1 2 3/2 855:00
4 J Schott Grossmont 6 3 1 1 2/1 450:00
5 V Castillo San Diego City 10 2 4 0 2/0 900:00
6 A Hernandez Imperial Valley 4 0 2 1 1/0 360:00